New Year, New Deals, New Problems

More businesses are returning to on-location work, and hybrid meetings are becoming more prevalent. As meetings start to occur that host both remote and on-location employees, you may be wondering how to keep everything managed. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to ensure that everyone feels heard and respected.

Instead of having everyone on-site use one camera, have them use their individual laptops or computers. This will reduce chaos and allow everyone an opportunity to speak without interrupting others. If this is not feasible with your company, you could assign someone to monitor the remote workers and pass along any questions or information to the employees working on-site. Having one-on-one meetings with remote workers and developing a connected culture both go a long way toward making everyone feel comfortable and appreciated.

It will take time to perfect hybrid meetings, but with patience, understanding and a desire to improve, your meetings can run smoother than ever before.

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